Mice undergoing CIA were treated with BSA (n=4) or PC-BSA (n=4). Arthritis scores (A) at day 32 after initial collagen injections are shown, expressed as mean scores ± SEM for BSA- or PC-BSA-treatment groups. Disease incidence is also shown (B), indicated by the % of mice developing a severity score ≥2. ** = p< 0.01. IL-22 (C & E) and IL-10 (D & F) levels were evaluated by ELISA in serum of naïve (n=3), BSA- (n=4) and PC-BSA-treated (n=4) individual mice and plotted as mean values of triplicate analyses (C & D). *p<0.05 and ***p<0.001. The correlations between IL-22 (E; n = 8, r = 0.6726, p = 0.0127) and IL-10 (F; n = 8, r = 0.406, p = 0.088) serum concentrations for all mice undergoing CIA (BSA- and PC-BSA-treated groups) and clinical scores are shown (E & F).