Table 4.
Time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) mean estimates for Haplorhini and simian foamy virus (SFV) polymerase (pol) and simian host sequences in million years ago
Branch node | TMRCA SFV pol a | TMRCA SFV pol b | TMRCA cytB b | TMRCA simian phylogenyc | Fossil estimatec |
Haplorhini | 46.44 (35.63–58.38) | 42.38 (33.86–51.11) | 42.37 (34.26–51.27) | 43.47 (38.55–48.36) | 43 ± 4.5 |
Catarrhini | 28.07 (18.73–37.36) | 24.33 (15.52–35.17) | 24.17 (15.1–35.3) | 31.56 (25.66–37.88) | 29 ± 6.0 |
Platyrrhini | 41.63 (33.25–50.22) | 28.11 (15.02–45.21) | 34.58 (20.43–49.7) | 24.82 (20.55–29.25) | 23.5 ± 3.0 |
Atelidae | 21.94 (14.00–31.94) | 15.55 (6.12–31.21) | 20.55 (8.21–37.14) | 16.13 (10.52–21.35) | NA |
Atelinae | ND | 3.4 (0.75–9.27) | ND | 11.25 (7.25–15.46) | NA |
Alouattinae | 13.55 (8.14–20.79) | 9.06 (3.64–18.47) | 7.89 (2.4–17.85) | 6.03 (3.74–8.57) | NA |
Cebinae | 7.94 (5.17–14.05) | 3.89 (1.32–8.57) | 13.1 (5.96–23.24) | 6.00 (3.13–9.35) | NA |
Saimirinae | 16.87 (8.55–27.55) | 3.37 (0.75–9.27) | 5.4 (1.48–12.62) | ND | NA |
Callitrichinae | 3.37 (1.13–6.74) | 3.21 (0.62–7.8) | 2.79 (0.4–8.67) | 8.42 (5.72–11.38) | NA |
Cacajao/Chiropotes split | 6.05 (2.31–11.03) | ND | ND | 7.51 (4.36–10.88) | NA |
NA not available, ND not determined
aUsing a 341-bp alignment for 31 SFV taxa. Geometric means inferred using Bayesian methods and a relaxed molecular clock; ranges in parentheses are 95 % highest posterior density intervals
bSFV pol and cytB TMRCAs from previous study by our group [26] for comparison
cDating and fossil estimates from Perelman et al. 2011 [31]