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. 2015 Jun 4;5:10952. doi: 10.1038/srep10952

Table 2. The electrical properties of the undoped and doped TiO2 films grown via the AACVD reaction of Ti(OEt)4 and W(OEt)6 in toluene at 500 °C as determined by Hall effect measurements.

W content in soln/mo.l% W:Ti ratio in film/at.% Film thickness/μm Sheet resistance/Ω sq−1 ρ/Ω.cm μ/cm2/V.s N/cm−3
2 0.63 : 29.59 1.3 4861 0.63 13.0 7.63 × 1017
5 1.65 : 28.99 0.8 3433 0.29 13.4 1.64 × 1018
10 2.25 : 28.71 2.8 212 0.034 14.9 1.23 × 1019
15 4.47 : 26.52 5.4 78 0.042 0.32 4.70 × 1020
20 4.65 : 26.70 4.1 154 0.063 0.049 2.02 × 1021