Figure 2.
Histology of testis, cauda epididymis, and rete testis. +/+, Bscl2+/+; −/−, Bscl2−/−. Testes from three to six mice at each time point per genotype were analyzed. Representative images were shown. (a) PND15 Bscl2+/+ testis. (b) PND15 Bscl2−/− testis. (c) PND35 Bscl2+/+ testis. (d) PND35 Bscl2−/− testis. Data in e–m were from 3- to 6-month-old (3–6 M) males. (e) Bscl2+/+ testis. (f) Bscl2−/− testis. (g–j) Enlarged views of Bscl2+/+ (g and i) and Bscl2−/− (h and j) seminiferous epithelia to show disorientated distribution of spermatids in the Bscl2−/− seminiferous epithelia. (k) Number of round spermatids per seminiferous tubule. N=5–6; error bar, S.D.; *P<0.05. (l) Bscl2+/+ cauda epididymis. (m) Bscl2−/− cauda epididymis. (o) Bscl2+/+ rete testis. (p) Bscl2−/− rete testis. o and p, arrows indicating germ cells. Scale bar, 50 μm