Figure 6. Photothermal Cancer therapy:
Columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 are bright field, dark field, green fluorescence (live), and red fluorescence (dead) microscopy images, respectively. Rows A-B are SKBR-3 cells and Rows C - D are MCF-10A cells incubated with GRBs (10 ng/ml). Rows A and C correspond to cells not irradiated with laser and rows B and D correspond to those irradiated with laser. All unexposed cells shows only green fluorescence in column 3, which indicates that all the untreated cells are alive (i.e., GRBs alone do not result in any toxicity). In the case of exposed cells, only SKBR-3 cells are found to be dead as indicated by red fluorescence in B4 while the MCF-10A cells are unaffected by the treatment as indicated by the green fluorescence in D3.