Figure 3.
Optical characteristics of denatured GFP variants. (A) Optical spectra of purified GFP variants under denaturing conditions. Purified t7SP, t7SPm, OPT, and c7SP were diluted to 10 µM in TN buffer (pH 2.0) and incubated for at least 1 h to ensure a complete denaturation. Absorbance spectra between 300 and 600 nm were recorded. Measurements were also performed for 80 µM purified t7SP and t7SPm with identical protocols (inset). (B) Relative quantity of the mature chromophore in purified GFP variants. The absorbances of 10 µM denatured t7SP, t7SPm, OPT, and c7SP or 80 µM (#) denatured t7SP and t7SPm under 382.5 nm were measured three times independently and normalized by the average reading of OD382.5 from OPT. The average of relative OD382.5 values is shown, and error bars indicate the two standard deviations obtained from triplicate measurements.