Screening of clade B serum samples against YU2 and ZM135M.PL10a WT and panel of glycan-deletion mutant viruses. ID50 titers were calculated as the reciprocal dilution that neutralized 50% of input virus. Samples are ordered based on neutralization breadth, with samples demonstrating >80% neutralization breadth highlighted in red, 40–80% neutralization breadth highlighted in blue, and <40% neutralization breadth highlighted in brown. Glycan-dependent neutralizing antibodies were deemed present if the calculated ID50 titer against a particular glycan-deletion mutant was≥2.5-fold lower than the titer calculated for that same sample against WT virus. Samples containing glycan-dependent neutralizing antibodies against a particular glycan-deletion mutant are highlighted in green. ODGC, outer domain glycan cluster; IDGC, inner domain glycan cluster.