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. 2015 Oct 30;81(23):8008–8021. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02216-15


Parameter estimates of the individual meta-analysis mixed-effects linear models by sanitizer, predicting the microbial mean log reduction in fresh produce as a function of microorganism, sanitizer concentration, and washing time and temperaturea

Sanitizer Parameters Mean SE Pr > |t| AIC/BIC
AA Predictors of R
    E. coli 1.234 X 0.909 0.307 27/31
    Salmonella 1.325 Y 0.565 0.143
    Concn 0.103 0.072 0.181
    Temp 0.022 0.004 <0.0001
    Time 0.029 0.007 <0.0001
    s2u (intercept) 0.705 I2 = 99%
    s2 (residual) 0.004
CA Predictors of R
    E. coli 2.576 Y 0.429 <0.0001 102/121
    Listeria 2.337 X 0.430 <0.0001
    Salmonella 2.868 Z 0.425 <0.0001
    Concn 0.500 0.057 <0.0001
    Temp 0.032 0.008 <0.0001
    Time 0.043 0.003 <0.0001
    s2u (intercept) 0.436 I2 = 82%
    s2 (residual) 0.095
MA Predictors of R
    E. coli 4.223 X 0.207 <0.0001 5/18
    Listeria 4.538 Z 0.212 <0.0001
    Salmonella 4.444 Y 0.207 <0.0001
    Concn 0.692 0.041 <0.0001
    Time 0.051 0.003 <0.0001
    s2u (intercept) 0.0007 I2 = 12%
    s2 (residual) 0.0053
SAEW Predictors of R
    E. coli 11.34 X 0.340 <.00001 32/49
    Listeria 11.45 X 0.359 <0.0001
    Salmonella 11.31 X 0.341 <0.0001
    Concn 1.573 0.039 <0.0001
    Time 0.019 0.005 <0.0001
    s2u (intercept) 0.591 I2 = 94%
    s2 (residual) 0.037
PAA Predictors of R
    E. coli 3.843 Z 0.655 <0.0001 62/74
    Listeria 3.295 X 0.658 <0.0001
    Salmonella 3.535 Y 0.653 <0.0001
    Concn 0.491 0.116 <0.0001
    Temp NS
    Time 0.057 0.030 0.067
    s2u (intercept) 0.568 I2 = 89%
    s2 (residual) 0.067
SH Predictors of R
    E. coli 3.143 X 0.712 <0.0001 289/307
    Listeria 3.233 X 0.719 <0.0001
    Salmonella 3.861 Y 0.719 <0.0001
    Concn 0.383 0.148 0.012
    Temp NS
    Time 0.097 0.047 0.043
    s2u (intercept) 1.040 I2 = 94%
    s2 (residual) 0.061
CD Predictors of R
    E. coli 8.450 X 1.085 <0.0001 359/378
    Listeria 8.914 Y 1.084 <0.0001
    Salmonella 8.855 Y 1.066 <0.0001
    Concn 0.854 0.115 <0.0001
    Temp NS
    Time 0.054 0.010 <0.0001
    s2u (intercept) 1.413 I2 = 92%
    s2 (residual) 0.119
Water Predictors of R
    E. coli 1.765 Y 0.318 <0.0001 27/40
    Listeria 1.754 Y 0.331 <0.0001
    Salmonella 1.653 X 0.322 <0.0001
    Temp −0.080 0.022 0.001
    Temp (quadratic effect)c 0.001 0.000 <0.0001
    Time −0.003 0.005 0.600
    s2u (intercept) 0.181 I2 = 98%
    s2 (residual) 0.003
ASC Predictors of R
    E. coli 2.053 Y 0.525 <0.0001 88/100
    Listeria 1.625 X 0.628 0.015
    Salmonella 2.686 Z 0.682 <0.0001
    Concn 0.493 0.119 <0.0001
    Temp 0.472 0.059 0.001
    Temp (quadratic effect)c −0.011 0.002 0.001
    Time −0.254 0.046 <0.0001
    s2u (intercept) 0.052 I2 = 48%
    s2 (residual) 0.056
HP Predictors of R
    E. coli 1.739 X 0.751 0.146 8/14
    Salmonella 2.906 Y 0.601 0.040
    Concn 0.348 0.137 0.027
    Temp 0.031 0.007 0.001
    Time 0.059 0.043 0.197
    s2u (intercept) 0.052 I2 = 66%
    s2 (residual) 0.026

Different letters (X, Y, and Z) indicate significant differences in log reduction among microorganisms. NS, not significant. —, parameter not calculated.


No data for L. monocytogenes were available.


As data were available only for ambient temperature, a temperature covariate could not be included.


The concentration covariate was not included as it has no meaning for water.