Validation of MM-MVs. (A) Morphology of the MM-MVs from RPMI8226 cells observed by TEM. The arrows show microvesicles with sphericity, and the scale bar represents 0.5 μm (×25 600). (B) The markers of the MM-MVs were confirmed by flow cytometry. Standard microbeads with a diameter of 1 μm were used to set the upper size limit for the MVs and were used to gate the MVs. MVs stained with Annexin-V and anti-CD138 were analyzed by flow cytometry. Panels 1, 3, and 2, 4 show the microbead gating (1 μm) for the PS and CD138 expression analyses, respectively. Q2 of panels 2 and 4 show the PS and CD138 expression, respectively. The data represent the mean±SEM of three experiments.