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. 2015 Nov 18;10(11):e0140938. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140938

Table 2. Information for each landscape variable tested including resistance level(s), hypothesis and corresponding predictions.

Landscape Variable High/low resistance Hypothesis Prediction(s)
Null Uniform landscape Isolation by Distance No effect of landscape on gene flow
Land cover Forest = low Isolation by Resistance Gaps in woodland (e.g., grassland/ treeless canyons) restrict movement and gene flow.
Non-forest = high
Elevation < 1500 m = low Isolation by Resistance High elevations are a barrier to gene flow
> 1500 m = high
Land-elevation Combined land cover and elevation resistance maps Isolation by Resistance 1. Variation in elevation in combination with changes in forest composition (i.e. deciduous to coniferous) restricts gene flow
2. Denser forests at high elevation facilitate gene flow
Hybrid Pure zone = low Isolation by Resistance Poplar hybrid zones attract chickadees and thereby inhibit further gene flow
Hybrid zone = high