Table 2. Information for each landscape variable tested including resistance level(s), hypothesis and corresponding predictions.
Landscape Variable | High/low resistance | Hypothesis | Prediction(s) |
Null | Uniform landscape | Isolation by Distance | No effect of landscape on gene flow |
Land cover | Forest = low | Isolation by Resistance | Gaps in woodland (e.g., grassland/ treeless canyons) restrict movement and gene flow. |
Non-forest = high | |||
Elevation | < 1500 m = low | Isolation by Resistance | High elevations are a barrier to gene flow |
> 1500 m = high | |||
Land-elevation | Combined land cover and elevation resistance maps | Isolation by Resistance | 1. Variation in elevation in combination with changes in forest composition (i.e. deciduous to coniferous) restricts gene flow |
2. Denser forests at high elevation facilitate gene flow | |||
Hybrid | Pure zone = low | Isolation by Resistance | Poplar hybrid zones attract chickadees and thereby inhibit further gene flow |
Hybrid zone = high |