(A) and (B) Mandibular first premolar. (C) and (D) Mandibular second premolar. Symbol and color codes: gray symbols = H. sapiens (crosses = Southeast Asia/Melanesia/Australia, circles = African Pygmy); colored letters = fossil Homo (L1 = LB1, L2 = LB2/2, L6 = LB6/1, L15 = LB15/1, S = early Javanese H. erectus (Sangiran Lower), s = early Javanese H. erectus (Sangiran Upper), D = Dmanisi, e = H. ergaster, h = H. habilis). The right and left teeth are included for H. floresiensis when available and they are indicated by the dashed line with arrow heads. The crown outlines for -2 SD, 0, and +2 SD, 95% confidence ellipses for the H. sapiens sample, and ranges for H. erectus and H. habilis samples are shown. Proportion of the variance explained by each PC is in the parentheses.