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. 2015 Nov 18;10(11):e0141614. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141614

Table 2. Results of the non-metric and linear metric comparisons.

H. habilis H. erg. Dmanisi eJ H. erectus (Lower, Upper) c MP East Asia H. sapiens H. floresiensis (status) d
Non-metric comparisons of individual teeth (frequency and ratio) a
1 C1 distal shoulder low 1/1 2/2** 1/1 *3/109 1/1 (EP-MP)
(vs. high) 3%
2 P3 transverse crest present 5/11** 1/5 0/1 3/9** (2/5, 1/4) 1/8 **6/283 1/1 (EP)
45% 20% 33% 13% 2%
3 P4 transverse crest present 3/10** 2/3** 1/2* 4/8** (1/4, 3/4) 1/8 **5/279 1/1 (EP)
30% 50% 13% 2%
4 P3 buccal groove(s) present 12/12** **1/5 0/1 6/9 (4/5, 2/4) **2/6 **139/245 0/1 (post-Hh)
100% 20% 67% 33% 57%
6 P4 lingual crown MD extensive 8/8** 1/2 2/2* 4/4** (2/2, 2/2) *2/6 **33/198 1/1 (EP)
100% 100% 33% 17%
7 P3 lingual cusp posi. mesially 9/9 *3/6 1/2 3/3 (2/2, 1/1) 8/9 163/197 0/3 (post-Hh)
(vs. distally) 100% 50% 89% 83%
9 P3 mesiolingual crown 0/9 0/6 0/2 0/4 (0/3, 0/1) 0/9 0/214 3/3 (unique)
beveled and wrinkled 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
11 P4 transverse crest present 0/7 *5/7** 0/2 *4/6* (3/4, 1/2) **5/6** 40/220 2/2 (post-Hh)
0% 71% 67% 83% 18%
14 P3 buccal basal enamel 1/6* 0/5 1/3?* 1/3* (1/3, −) 1/7* *0/207 1/3 (EP-MP)
thickened (cingulum) 17% 0% 14% 0%
15 P3 root bifurcated 4/13** 2/5* 1/1 3/6** (3/6, −) 0/7 **26/599 e 2/3 (EP)
(vs. fused or single) 31% 40% 50% 0% 4%
17 M1 four-cusped 0/13 0/10 0/2 0/9 (0/7, 0/2) 0/14 9/268 2/2 (Hs)
(vs. five-cusped) 0% 0% 0% 0% 3%
18 M2 four-cusped 0/9** 0/8** 0/2 0/15** (0/12, 0/3 f ) 0/12** **163/279 2/2 (Hs)
(vs. five-cusped) 0% 0% 0% 0% 58%
19 M1 mid-trigonid crest present 0/7 1/9 2/2 4/9** (3/6, 1/3) 1/9 7/176 1/1
0% 11% 44% 11% 4%
Metric comparisons of dentition as a whole (minimum / maximum, and sample size in the lower rows) b
21 Relative P3 size (%) 24 / 26 26 / 28 26 / 27 (26, −) 26 / 28 22 / 27 30 (unique)
N = 5 N = 3 N = 2 N = 1, − N = 3 N = 188 N = 2
22 Molar size % increase: M1→M2 +5 / +20 −2 / +11 −2 / +8 (+4 / +9, +4 / +7) −2 / +4 −15 / +5 0 / +1 (post-Hh)
N = 7 N = 6 N = 3 N = 3, 2 N = 6 N = 250 N = 2
23 Alv. arcade index (Lth/Bth, %) 117 / 156 98 123 (107 / 108, −) 88 103 / 105 (eJHe)
N = 5 N = 1 N = 2 N = 2, − N = 1 N = 2

aObserved frequencies and percent ratios (for those samples with N ≥ 4) as well as the results of the Fisher’s exact tests for the non-metric comparisons (nos. 1−20). The asterisk(s) to the right of each frequency indicates significant difference from the H. sapiens sample, and that on the left significant differences from the H. habilis sample (*: P < 0.05, **: P < 0.01).

bThe minimum and maximum values, and sample sizes (in the lower rows) are shown for the metric comparisons (nos. 21−23).

cFrequencies for the Sangiran Lower and Upper subsamples in the parentheses.

dMorphological status of H. floresiensis in the parentheses: ‘EP’, a primitive condition shared with the Afro-Asian Early Pleistocene Homo; ‘EP-MP’, a primitive condition shared with the Afro-Asian Early Pleistocene Homo and the East Asian Middle-Late Pleistocene archaic Homo; ‘post-Hh’, a condition derived from H. habilis; ‘Hs’, a derived condition shared with H. sapiens; ‘eJHe’, a condition most similar to early Javanese H. erectus; ‘unique’, a unique condition restricted to H. floresiensis.

eSample studied by Shields [73].

fZanolli [35] recently suggested the presence of 4-cusped M2s in this group.