Definition | Validity evidence for instrument | |
Content | The extent to which test content and the construct of interest are matched. Evidence of content validity may include test blueprint to match content to construct, the use of experts in the field, literature and guidelines (e.g., milestones) to determine content match with construct. | 1) Using language from the milestones, 2) Involving an expert panel of EM residency leaders from six academic institutions, 3) Using a modified Delphi approach, and 4) Utilizing an assessment blueprint based on a review of each of the EM ACGME sub-competencies and determining the appropriateness of each for incorporation into the direct assessment tool |
Response process | The cognitive and physical processes required by the assessment also represent the construct. Decisions for response process validity include: the choice for global score versus checklist; analysis of individual responses; debriefing of respondents; and quality assurance and control of assessment data. | 1) Explicit scoring algorithms directly related to the underlying construct, 2) By the judgments of the experts regarding the scoring, 3) Adjustment of scoring responses, 4) Field testing and revision |
Internal structure | Assessment content and processes provide data about learner performance relevant to the construct. Internal process refers to how assessment transforms the data into a score that represents the construct. Evidence of internal structure includes: statistical characteristics of items and option functions; factor analysis. | *Reliability of reproducibility of scores *Inter-item correlations |
EM, emergency medicine; ACGME, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education