Intrinsic connectivity correlates of global anxiety severity as measured by HARS
Global anxiety correlated positively with increased intrinsic connectivity between the left amygdala, left hippocampus, and left middle frontal gyrus, between the BNST and left frontal and left middle temporal gyrus, between the PVN and left caudate, left hippocampus, and left parietal cortex (BA2), between the PCC and right middle temporal cortex, between the ventral hippocampus and left middle temporal gyrus and left dorsal hippocampus. For coordinates, cluster size, t-statistic and degrees of freedom – see Table 2
HARS=Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Amy=amygdala; BNST= bed nucleus of stria terminalis; PVN=paraventricular nucleus; PCC= posterior cingulate cortex; Hippo=hippocampus