Fig. 2.
Morphologic spectrum of non-ITAC. a SSH-like (minimal deviation) non-ITAC showing a rounded tubulolobular growth similar to SSH, but with larger more confluent tumor nests (H&E, ×40). This tumor is low grade and composed of bland monomorphic tubules with almost no nuclear atypia (inset H&E, ×200). b Tubulopapillary non-ITAC showing columnar cells with nuclear stratification evident even at this magnification (H&E, ×40). This tumor is intermediate grade with nuclear membrane irregularities and prominent nucleoli with some mitotic activity (inset H&E, ×200). c Solid-cribriform non-ITAC with prominent central comedonecrosis (H&E, ×40). This tumor is high grade with prominent nuclear pleomorphism in addition to the necrosis (inset H&E, ×200). d Non-ITAC with tubulopapillary areas and intermediate nuclear grade (H&E, ×100). e The majority of this same case, however, showed solid ribbon like trabecular growth reported in ‘blastomatous’ tumors (H&E, ×100)