Real-time RT-PCR analyses of gene transcript levels in maize roots. Growth conditions as in Figure 4. Root samples were harvested at the beginning of the treatment (t = 0 h) and after 2, 8, and 24 h. Analyzed genes encode: high-affinity urea transporter (ZmDUR3, A); urease enzyme (ZmUrease, B); zinc finger protein transcription factor (ZmZFP16-1, C); cytosolic glutamine synthetase (ZmGln1-5, D); AsnS4 (ZmAsnS4, E); AMT (ZmAMT1;3, F). Gene mRNA levels were normalized with respect to the mean transcript level of the housekeeping gene ZmGAPDH; relative changes in gene transcript levels were calculated on the basis of the mean transcript level of ZmGAPDH in roots of Control plants at 0 h (relative gene expression = 1). Data are means of three independent biological replicates +SD; letters refer to statistically significant differences within the Urea-treatment; asterisks refer to statistically significant differences between each time point of treatment containing NBPT and those without (Control + NBPT treatment was compared with Control treatment, while Urea + NBPT treatment was compared with Urea treatment) at the same time (Student–Newman–Keuls method ANOVA, n = 3, ∗P < 0.05).