Figure 5. HIPS fluorophore labeling and purification of EcMutS-his6/ald6 and EcMutL-his6/ald6.
(A,B) HIPS-AF647 fluorophore-labeling and purification of EcMutS-his6/ald6. Final heparin chromatography (A) and Fluorescence scan (top) and coomassie stain (bottom) of eluted fractions separated using SDS-PAGE gel (B). (C,D) HIPS-AF555 fluorophore-labeling and purification of EcMutS-his6/ald6(D835R,R840E). Final heparin chromatography (C) and Fluorescence scan (top) and coomassie stain (bottom) of eluted fractions separated using SDS-PAGE gel (D). (E,F) HIPS-AF647 fluorophore-labeling and purification of EcMutL-his6/ald6. Fluorescence scan (top) and coomassie stain (bottom) of eluted fractions separated using SDS-PAGE gel (E) and fluorescence scan (left) and coomassie stain (right) with Gaussian fitting of labeled (red) and unlabeled (green) EcMutL-his6/ald6 (F). The Coomassie stained gels have been cropped to show only the relevant protein bands, which in these studies accounts for >90% of the visible bands.