Table 3.
Summary of the putative homologous genes associated with SNPs surpassing the relaxed threshold (P < 0.005), the associated SNP name and predicted chromosome location on the salmon genome. The details of corresponding transcript id and SNP effect are given in Additional file 2: Appendix 2 and Additional file 1: Appendix 1
Marker ID | Gene | Chromosomea | Reference species |
AX88089073 | POMT1 | 20 | Human/Mouse/Zebrafish |
AX87884170 | MYH9 | 03 | Human/Mouse/Zebrafish |
AX88052896 | GAPDH (GAPDHS) | 05 | Human/Mouse/Zebrafish |
AX87900517 | NOTCH3 | 06 | Human/Mouse/Zebrafish |
AX88070408 | WDR35 | 01 | Human/Mouse/Zebrafish |
AX88276725 | WDR35 | 01 | Human/Mouse/Zebrafish |
AX88067081 | AGRN | 15 | Human/Mouse/Zebrafish |
AX87963258b | RAI2 | 17 | Human/Mouse |
AX87914686 | KNDC1 | 01 | Human/Mouse |
AX87934385 | TXNRD3 | 12 | Human/Mouse |
AX87906812 | ARHGEF7 | 16 / 17 | Human/Zebrafish |
AX88009559 | DLG5 | 01 | Human/Zebrafish |
AX87895800 | KLHL42 | 17 | Human/Zebrafish |
AX87913460 | GUCY2F | 13 | Human |
AX87934385 | TXNRD1 | 12 | Zebrafish |
AX88060914 | MYO18AB | 20 | Zebrafish |
AX87883353 | SYTL5 | 21 | Zebrafish |
AX87913460 | GC3 | 13 | Zebrafish |
AX88168740 | SI:CH211-181D7.1 | 03 | Zebrafish |
AX88009559 | DLG5A | 01 | Zebrafish |
AX88254864 | PGBD4(5 OF 8) | 02 | Zebrafish |
AX88049616 | PGBD4(5 OF 8) | 02 | Zebrafish |
aCorresponding chromosome was based on the Atlantic salmon reference genome (AKGD00000000.4) and the chromosome assignments given in Houston et al. [10], see methods for additional details
bChromosome-wide significance
AGRN: agrin; ARHGEF7: Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 7; GAPDH: Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase; DLG5: Discs, Large Homolog 5 (Drosophila); RAI2: Retinoic acid-induced protein 2; KNDC1: Kinase Non-Catalytic C-Lobe Domain (KIND) Containing 1; GUCY2F: Guanylate Cyclase 2 F, Retinal; POMT1: Protein-O-Mannosyltransferase 1; GC3: guanylate cyclase 2D, membrane (retina-specific); KLHL42: kelch-like family member 42; TXNRD1: Thioredoxin Reductase 1; TXNRD3: Thioredoxin Reductase 3; WDR35: WD repeat domain 35; MYH9: myosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle; NOTCH3: notch 3; MYO18AB: myo18ab; SYTL5: synaptotagmin-like 5