Table 3.
Parameters of the sample collection and reported adverse incidents
Age (years) | Number | Volume collecteda (mLs) | Time of day at collection | Total time taken to collect the CSF (min) | Average time taken to collected via gravity (min) | Average time taken to collect via aspiration (min) | Length of Stay | Reported adverse incidents |
72.49 (5.54) | N = 54 | 16 | 9-10 am | 10.87 (4.12)b | 10-15 | 0.5-1 | 4 hours post LP | 2 reports of post-LP headaches lasting more than 24 hours. 4 LPs initially failed with 27 g needles and were successful when the 25 g needles were used. |
Data represents the average and (standard deviation)
CSF cerebrospinal fluid, LP lumbar puncture
aN = 1 LP resulted in only 11 mL total volume collected via gravity and 1 mL via aspiration
bOne subject’s total time was not recorded