Table 1.
EtOH | Nicotine | Opiates | Stimulants | |
CB1 R KO |
CPP Self-Admin. EtOH-induced NAc DA |
CPP Self-Admin. |
CPP Self-Admin. |
n/c CPP n/c Self-Admin. |
CB1R Antagonist |
Self-Admin. Preference EtOH-induced NAc DA |
CPP Self-Admin. NIC-induced NAc DA |
CPP Self-Admin. n/c MORPH-induced NAc DA |
Self-Admin (AM251) COC effects on ICSS n/c COC-induced NAc DA |
CB1R Agonist |
Self-Admin. Motivation for EtOH |
CPP Motivation for heroin |
Self-Admin COC effects on ICSS |
FAAH Inhibition |
Self-Admin. Preference |
CPP (mouse, CB1R) CPP (rat, non-CB1R) Self-Admin (rat, non-CB1R) NIC-induced NAc DA (rat, non-CB1R) |
n/c Self-Admin n/c MORPH-induced VTA DA excitation |
n/c COC-induced VTA DA excitation n/c Self-Admin |
EtOH, ethanol; NIC, nicotine; MORPH, morphine; COC, cocaine; CPP, conditioned place preference; n/c. no change; Self-Admin., operant self-administration; Preference, relative consumption of EtOH vs. water; ICSS, intracranial self-stimulation (an index of brain reward function);