Chart 2.
Type of activity | Check if yes | Additional information needed |
Teaching activities | ||
Major: Course organizer of a formal course (including CME courses) spanning full semester | Title of course, syllabus, number of lectures, contact hours, formal course assessment | |
Minor to major: Specific lectures as part of a formal course | Title of course, number of lectures, contact hours, appraisal from course director Major: Multiple lectures added up to at least 24 contact hours Moderate: 4–24 contact hours Minor: < 4 contact hours |
Minor to major: Ad hoc lectures for a special audience | Specialty of the audience, title of course, number of lectures, contact hours, appraisal from individual requesting the lectures. Importance of activity depends on the number of lectures prepared specially for the group Major: Multiple lectures added up to at least 24 contact hours Moderate: 4–24 contact hours Minor: < 4 contact hours |
Minor to moderate: Participation as biostatistician in a regularly scheduled clinical journal club or meeting | Specialty of the group, number of sessions attended, appraisal from leader of club/meeting about impact Moderate: 12 or more meetings/year Minor: < 12 meetings / year |
Minor to major: Mentoring as part of a formal grant (e.g., K award) | Mentee name, number of meetings in past year, appraisal from primary mentor Major: moderate contact with multiple (>3) mentees Moderate: 16 or more contact hours/year Minor: < 16 contact hours/year |
Minor to moderate: Training during statistical collaboration | Project, number of sessions, areas discussed Moderate: Significant teaching of statistical methods with long-term collaborator (appraisal from collaborator desirable) Minor: Training during ad hoc collaboration |
Service activities | ||
Minor to major: Service on a legally required institutional committee (e.g., institutional review board, institutional animal care and use committee, radiation safety) or national review committee (e.g., National Institutes of Health study section) | Details of activity determine level of involvement, should be obtained from chair of committee Major: Chair/vice-chair/primary statistical reviewer on all grants Moderate: Statistical reviewer (responsibility shared with other statisticians) Minor: Ad hoc reviewer of <10% of grants submitted to the committee |
Minor to major: Service on a degree-granting committee (e.g., thesis defense committee) |
Major: Primary advisor Moderate: Co-advisor, sole statistician on committee Minor: Other supporting role |
Minor to major: Service on an oversight committee (e.g., data safety monitoring board) |
Major: Chair/vice-chair/primary statistician Moderate: Secondary statistician as reviewer Minor: Ad hoc member of the committee |
Minor to major: Other institutional committees (e.g., search committee, curriculum committee, etc.) | Details of activity determine level of importance, should be obtained from chair of the committee.a | |
Minor to major: Service to professional associations | Details of activity determine level of importance, should be obtained from president of the association. a | |
Minor to major: Editorial service | Details of activity determine level of importance, should be obtained from the editor of the committee.a |
Importance depends on the role within the activity (member with or without voting rights, leadership role with formal designation, etc.), the importance of the activity itself, and the time commitment of the individual.