Fig. 2.
Group differences in cortical thickness and surface area between healthy controls and patients with BD after controlling for age, IQ and the total intracranial volume. Six clusters of smaller surface area were observed in healthy controls, when compared to patients with BD, including the left postcentral, precuneus, supramarginal, the right superiortemporal, insula and supramarginal gyri. Larger surface area of the left posterior cingulate and thicker caudal anterior cingulate cortex were observed in healthy controls. Larger surface area/thickness was colored in red. Smaller surface area/thickness was colored in blue. Clusters were overlaid on the average inflated image. Significance threshold was set to p < 0.01 (uncorrected). Clusters with number of significant vertices greater than 200 were displayed. BD: Bipolar Disorder (n = 16); HC: Healthy Control (n = 29)