A. Outside-out patches were excised from HEK-293T cells transiently transfected with GluK2 alone or GluK2+Neto2 and voltage-clamped at −70 mV. Traces represent the averages of 3-5 applications of glutamate at the concentration indicated applied for 1 sec.
B. Paired applications of 10 mM glutamate (100 msec) were given to outside-out patches at 1 sec intervals.
C. Recovery was calculated by dividing the peak amplitude of the second response by that of the first and multiplying by 100. To normalize the effect of the non-desensitized receptors, the amplitude of the current at the end of the first application was subtracted from both responses. Symbols represent mean ± SEM. For the GluK1 homomers, the averaged data shown was fit with a single exponential with τ = 1.56 sec. For GluK1+Neto2, the non-normalized data was fit with the sum of two exponentials (dashed line) with τ1 = 0.042 sec (51.7%) and τ2 = 1.33 sec.