Figure 4.
Changes in tissue content between seasons (late breeding and molt) in response to acute stress. Data are indicated as mean ± SE. In the amygdala both AEA (A) and 2-AG (B) showed a significant effect of treatment, with 2-AG also exhibiting a significant treatment season interaction and post hoc tests indicating a significant difference between baseline and stress-induced concentrations. In the hypothalamus only, AEA showed a significant effect of treatment(C), whereas 2-AG showed a significant effect of season (D). In the hippocampus, AEA showed a significant effect of treatment (E), whereas 2-AG showed no changes (F). A single asterisk signifies P < .05, double asterisk signifies P < .01, and triple asterisk signifies P < .001. Post hoc Bonferroni test significance (P < .05) is shown as differing letters. Sample sizes are indicated as numbers within the columns. Light gray bars indicate baseline samples, and dark gray bars indicate stress-induced samples.