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. 2015 Oct 10;138(12):3776–3792. doi: 10.1093/brain/awv281

Table 4.

Background performance: semantic tasks

Patient Group Spoken WPM Naming CCTp CCTw PPTp PPTw Synonyms Environmental sounds test
Written word- picture Spoken word- picture Sound- picture Sound- written word
Max 64 64 64 64 52 52 96 48 48 48 48
Control mean (s.d.) 63.7 (0.5) 62.3 (1.6) 58.9 (3.1) 60.7 (2.06) 51.2 (1.4) 51.1 (1.1) 94.4 (1.2) NTa 47.8 (0.6) 41.2 (2.5) 40.8 (3.8)
Normal cut off 63 59 53 57 49 49 92 NT 46.6 36.2 33.2
HN SA – TP-only 50*** 51*** 54 54* 35*** 44*** 89** 42*** 16*** 36 NT
SC SA – TP-only 59*** 28*** 47** 56 29*** 39*** 71*** 48 41*** 32** 32
ME SA – TP-only 50*** 5*** 13*** 33*** 29*** 39*** 80*** 40*** 40*** 33** 35
KS SA – TP-only 46*** 21*** 44*** NT NT NT 81*** NT NT NT NT
EW SA – TP-only 57*** 45*** 45** 48*** 50 52 86*** 38*** 45* 22*** NT
PG SA – PF+ 58*** 46*** 44*** 40*** 42*** 43*** 69*** 44*** 47 33** 25**
NY SA – PF+ 60*** 55** 36*** 39*** 47* 42*** 69*** 47 40*** 28*** 34
BB SA – PF+ 53*** 10*** 38*** 30*** 41*** 35*** 63*** 26*** 33*** 26*** 27**
DB SA – PF+ 46*** 39*** 51* 46*** NT NT 54*** 38*** 36*** 21*** NT
GH SA – PF+ 60*** 19*** 45** 29*** NT NT 71*** NT NT NT NT
EC SA – PF+ 40*** 1*** 32*** 20*** NT NT 41*** NT NT NT NT
KA SA – PF+ 35*** 0*** 46** 36*** 44*** 44*** 60*** 36*** 21*** 22*** 14***
LS SA – PF+ 48*** 5*** 15*** 16*** 31*** 39*** 47*** 33*** 35*** 27*** 17***
EL WA – TP-only 30*** 24*** 49* 36*** 48 36*** 62*** 45** 21*** 30** 24**
MR WA – TP-only 32*** 11*** 45** 46*** 50 39*** 66*** 40*** 26*** 20*** 17***
CW WA – TP-only 51*** 41*** 55 55* 51 52 89** 47 30*** 21*** 22***
DMC WA – TP-only 16*** 0*** NT NT 42*** 39*** NT NT NT NT NT
DR WA – PF+ 9*** 3*** NT NT 47* 33*** NT NT NT NT NT
LaS WA – PF+ 32*** 1*** NT NT 46** 34*** NT NT NT NT NT
DL WA – PF+ 8*** 2*** NT NT 46** 32*** NT NT NT NT NT
CB WA – PF+ 30*** 0*** NT NT 42*** 43*** NT NT NT NT NT

*Denotes impaired performance. * ≤ 0.05, ** ≤ 0.01, *** ≤ 0.001 using a modified t-statistic to examine whether an individual is significantly below a control group, taking into account control group size, mean and standard deviation (Crawford et al., 2010). Control performance and normal cut-offs taken from the following published texts except where stated.

aNorms for analysis taken from spoken word-picture matching using the same stimuli. Spoken Word-Picture Matching (WPM) from the Cambridge Semantic Battery (Bozeat et al., 2000); Synonym judgment (Jefferies et al., 2009); Environmental Sounds Test (Bozeat et al., 2003); CCT = Camel and Cactus task in picture and written word forms (Bozeat et al., 2000); PPT = Pyramids and Palm Trees task in picture and written word forms (Howard and Patterson, 1992); NT = not tested; WA = Wernicke’s aphasia; SA = semantic aphasia; TP = temporoparietal; PF = prefrontal.