Figure 2. FaLM resolves oblate-spheroid mitochondria in intact, pressurized resistance arteries and spherical mitochondria in freshly-isolated hepatocytes.
(a) Intact posterior cerebral resistance arteries (~250 μm diameter) were maintained ex-vivo at physiological pressure (40 mmHg) and mitochondrial TMRE imaged on an inverted epifluorescence microscope. (a’) FaLM resolves individual mitochondria (FaLM covariance in color, right) from indistinct epifluorescence images (TMRE fluorescence, left, annotated with estimated cell boundaries for ease of viewing). (b) Hepatocytes freshly-isolated from rat liver contain many spherical mitochondria (TMRE, left; brightfield, right) that also display spatial- and temporally-distinct flickers that FaLM can utilize to define boundaries of individual, electrically-distinct mitochondria, b’. scale bars 10 μm (a’,b), or 5 um (b’).