Figure 4. Alignment of nt sequences in LMP-1 promoter region in ~220 nt upstream of its coding region.
The alignment is corresponding to 169239–168992 positions in the reference genome of WT-EBV including part of the LMP-1 coding region (25 nt shadowed with black) with marked ATG initiation codon (position 169017). The transcription starting site is marked as +1 (position 169058). The sequences recognized for functions associated with transcription factors (ref. 27) are marked with pink or green shadow. The 5 common variations or mutations shared by 11 of the12 BL-EBVs, but not by VGO or any NPC-EBVs are T-172C, T-50A, A-39C (in CREB), G-12A and T+18G. In this particular region, there are additional 5 common variations or mutations, C-158T, T-114C, A-63C, G-44C and G+41C, shared by all 12 BL-EBVs and essentially all NPC-EBVs.