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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Nov 23.
Published in final edited form as: Annu Rev Physiol. 2011;73:283–309. doi: 10.1146/annurev-physiol-012110-142150

Table 1.

Interactions between tight junction–associated proteins

Name Structural signatures Binding partners

Claudin family
Claudins Four transmembrane domains, two cytoplasmic tails, two extracellular loops, one intracellular linker, one C-terminal PDZ-binding motif Claudins (extracellular domains),c,e,f,h,i,k occludin (extracellular region),j marvelD3,h CD9,j CD81 (extracellular loop),g,i EpCAM,d,g ZO-1 (PDZ-binding motifs),a,b,e,f,h ZO-2,a,b,e,f ZO-3,a,b,e,f MUPP1 (PDZ-binding motifs),a,c PATJ (PDZ-binding motif ),b Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (second extracellular loop)a

Tight junction–associated MARVEL proteins (TAMPs)
Occludin Four transmembrane domains (forming MARVEL domain), two cytoplasmic tails, two extracellular loops, one intracellular linker
Occludin and tricellulin C-terminal tails contain an OCEL (coiled-coil) domain
Occludin,b connexin26 (OCEL),b TGFβ RI and RII (second extracellular loop),d,j ZO-1 (OCEL),b,h ZO-2,a,b ZO-3,b cingulin (C-terminal cytoplasmic tail),b F-actin (C-terminal cytoplasmic tail),a VAP33 (OCEL),c,g,h c-Yes (OCEL),b,d,g PI3 kinase p85 (C-terminal coiled coil),b PKCζ (OCEL),b PKCη (C-terminal tail),a,e,h CK2 (C-terminal tail),j Itch (N-terminal cytoplasmic tail),c,d,e,h Nedd4-2 (C-terminal tail PY motif),e focal adhesion kinased
Tricellulin MarvelD3,d ZO-1 (C-terminal cytoplasmic tail)a
MarvelD3 Occludin,d tricellulind

Junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs)
JAM-A/JAM-1 Immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily: one N-terminal extracellular region, one transmembrane region, one C-terminal cytosplasmic tail, C-terminal PDZ-binding motif; extracellular region contains two V-type Ig domains JAM-A (extracellular region),b,j LFA-1/CD11a/CD18 (Ig domain 2),c,j αVβ3 integrin,d ZO-1 (PDZ-binding motif),a,b,d MUPP1 (PDZ-binding motif),a,b,c PATJ (PDZ-binding motif ),b Par3 (PDZ-binding motif ),a,d,h AF-6 (PDZ-binding motif),b,c,d,g cingulin (C-terminal cytoplasmic tail),b,d PDZ-GEF2,e,g reovirus sigma proteina,j
JAM-B/JAM-2 JAM-C (extracellular region),a,h,j αVβ1 integrin,j ZO-1 (PDZ-binding motif),a,b,h Par3 (PDZ-binding motif)b,h
JAM-C/JAM-3 JAM-B (V domain),a,h,j JAM-C(V domain),b,j CD11b/CD18 (extracellular region),a,j ZO-1 (PDZ domain),a,b Par3 (PDZ-binding motif )b
JAM-4/IGSF5 JAM-4,h,j MAGI-1 (PDZ-binding motif)b,c,e,h

CAR-like CTX family proteins
CAR CTX family of Ig superfamily proteins: extracellular loop contains one V-type and one C2-type Ig domain and C-terminal PDZ-binding motif CAR (D1 domain),a ZO-1,d,f,g,h MUPP1 (PDZ-binding motif),a,c,d,e,g,h LNX (PDZ-binding motif),b,c,h F-actin (cytoplasmic tail),a,b,g,h microtubule (cytoplasmic tail),a,b,d,f,g Coxsackie virus,j adenovirus (D1 domain)a,b,j
ESAM ESAM (extracellular region),j MAGI-1 (PDZ-binding motif)b,c,e
CLMP None determined

Popeye family proteins
Bves/popeye 1 Three transmembrane domain, one N-terminal extracellular tail, one extracellular loop, one intracellular linker, one C-terminal cytoplasmic tail Bves (extracellular region),j ZO-1 (C-terminal cytoplasmic tail),b,g VAMP3 (C-terminal cytoplasmic tail),b,c,e,g GEFT (C-terminal cytoplasmic tail)b,c,g

Zonula occludens (ZO) family
ZO-1 Three PDZ domains, one SH3 domain, one GuK domain, one actin-binding region; ZO-2 and ZO-3 have C-terminal PDZ-binding motifs Claudins (PDZ1),a,b,e,f,h occludin (SH3-Guk domain),a,b JAM-A (PDZ3),a,b,d JAM-B (PDZ1-3),a,b,h JAM-C (PDZ1–3),a,b tricellulin (aa 1–888),a CAR,d,f,g,h Bves,b,g Neph1–3 (PDZ1),b,e,g connexins (PDZ domains),b,c,e,g ZO-2 (PDZ2),a,b ZO-3 (PDZ2),a,b AF6 (N-terminal to Guk domain),a,b,f,g α-catenin (SH3-Guk domain),a,b ARVCF (PDZ domains),a,b,e,h α-actinin-4 (PDZ1),b,d,e,g α-spectrin,d F-actin (actin-binding region),a,h,j ZONAB (SH3),b,e,j tuba,e,g,h Shroom2 (SH3-Guk),b,c,e,g,h Csk,b Gα(12) (SH3),e,h phosphoinositide (PDZ2)j
ZO-2 Claudins (PDZ1)a,b,e,f,h, occludin (SH3-GuK)b,e, connexins (PDZ domains),b,e,h ZO-1 (PDZ2),a,b α-catenin (SH3-GuK),b,e ARVCF (PDZ domains),a,b,h F-actin,a sec6/8,d,j protein 4.1R (aa 1,054–1,118)b,c,d,e,g tuba,e,g Csk (aa 487–652),b,e Gα (12) (SH3),e,h SAF-B (PDZ1),b,c,e,h PKC,j Fos,b,d,g,j Jun,b,d,g,j C/EBP,b,d,g,j Scribble (C-terminal PDZ-binding motif),b,e,h phosphoinositide (PDZ2)j
ZO-3 Claudins (PDZ1),a,b,e,f,h occludin,b ZO-1 (PDZ2),d,e MUPP1 (C-terminal PDZ-binding motif),b PATJ (C-terminal PDZ-binding motif )b,e,h,g F-actin,a connexins (PDZ domains)b,e,h

Cingulin family
Cingulin Globular N-terminal head and C-terminal tail domains and central α-helical rod domain JAM-A,b,d ZO-1 (aa 1–378),b,e ZO-2 (aa 1–378),b,e ZO-3 (aa 1–378),b AF-6 (aa 1–378),b F-actin (aa 101–294),a,b myosin (aa 377–1,368),b GEF-H1 (aa 782–1,025)b,d,g,h
Cingulin-L1/JACOP None determined

Angiomotin (Amot)/JEAP family
Amot Coiled-coil domains and C-terminal PDZ-binding motifs; contains a lipid-binding domain Angiostatin (BIG3 domain),b,c Rich1 (coiled-coil domain),e Amot-like 1,e MAGI-1,e,g MUPP1 (PDZ-binding motif),c,d,e PATJ (PDZ-binding motif),b,e Syx (PDZ-binding motif)b,e
Amotl1/JEAP Amot (coiled coil),e MUPP1 (PDZ-binding motif),c,e PATJ (PDZ-binding motif),e Syx (PDZ-binding motif )b
Amotl2/MASCOT MAGI-1,e MUPP1 (PDZ-binding motif),c,d,e PATJ (PDZ-binding motif),e Syx (PDZ-binding motif )b

MAGUK with inverted domain structure (MAGI) family
MAGI-1 Six PDZ domains, two WW domains, one Guk domain JAM-4 (PDZ1 and PDZ4)b,c,e,h ESAM,b,c,e nephrin (PDZ2–3),a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h megalin (PDZ5),b,c Amot,e,g Amot-like 2,e β-catenin (PDZ5),c,d synaptopodin (WW2)b,e,h,j α-actinin-4 (PDZ5),b,e,h PDZ-GEF1 (PDZ1),d,e mNET1 (PDZ1),b,c,f PTEN (PDZ2),c,d,e,g,h TRIP6 (PDZ5)c,e

MUPP/PATJ family
MUPP1/MPDZ One L27 domain, 13 PDZ domains Claudins (PDZ10),a,c CAR(PDZ13),a,c,d,e,g,h JAM-A (PDZ9),a,b,c nectin (PDZ5),b,h ZO-3 (PDZ7),b PALS (L27),a,b Amot (PDZ2–3),c,e Amot-like 1 (PDZ3),c,e Amot-like 2 (PDZ2–3),c,e Par6,b,e Syxb
PATJ One L27 domain, ten PDZ domains Claudin-1 (PDZ8),b JAM-A (PDZ3),b nectin (PDZ5),b,h ZO-3 (PDZ6)b,e,h,g PALS1 (L27),a,b Crumbs (N-terminal domain),e Par6,b,e Amot (PDZ3),c,e Amot-like 1 (PDZ1),c,e Amot-like 2 (PDZ2),c,e Syx (PDZ10)c

Other peripheral membrane proteins
AF-6/l-afadin Two Ras-binding domains, one forkhead-associated domain, one class V myosin homology region, DIL, one PDZ domain, and an actin-binding domain Nectin,b,c,d,e,h JAM-A (PDZ),b,c,d,g ZO-1 (Ras-binding domain),a,b,f,g cingulin,b F-actin (aa 1,631–1,829),a profilin,b,c c-Src (PDZ domain),a,b,d,g ADIP (DIL domain),a,b,e Ras,b,c Rap1c,e,h
Pilt hDlgb,c,g
Barmotin/7H6 None determined
Symplekin ZONABa,b,c,f,g

Parenthetical text indicates the domain used to bind identified partners. A fully referenced version of this table is available online (Supplemental Table 1; follow the Supplemental Material link from the Annual Reviews home page at


In vitro binding of bacterially expressed or purified proteins.


GST (glutathione S-transferase) fusion protein or peptide pulldown from eukaryotic cell lysates.


Yeast two-hybrid assay.


Coimmunoprecipitation of endogenous proteins.


Coimmunoprecipitation of overexpressed proteins.


Colocalization (by electron microscopy).


Colocalization (of endogenous proteins by fluorescence microscopy).


Colocalization (of overexpressed proteins by fluorescence microscopy).


Fluorescent resonant energy transfer.


Other methods.