Country | 1900 Number in Universe (1) |
Number Matched (2) |
Match Rate, Total (3) |
1900 Number, Unique (4) |
Match Rate, Unique (5) |
A. 1900 Source: IPUMS |
Austria | 4,835 | 339 | .070 | 4,677 | .072 |
England | 7,438 | 664 | .089 | 6,175 | .107 |
France | 11,615 | 728 | .063 | 9,139 | .079 |
Germany | 19,855 | 2,248 | .113 | 16,733 | .134 |
Ireland | 9,737 | 861 | .088 | 6,323 | .136 |
Italy | 7,624 | 811 | .106 | 7,042 | .115 |
Norway | 3,541 | 425 | .120 | 2,822 | .151 |
Russia | 5,804 | 644 | .111 | 5,203 | .124 |
Sweden | 6,164 | 559 | .091 | 4,070 | .137 |
US natives | 10,000 | 1,650 | .165 | 8,345 | .197 |
B. 1900 Source: |
Belgium | 6,060 | 545 | .090 | 5,962 | .091 |
Denmark | 34,594 | 1,980 | .058 | 17,425 | .114 |
Finland | 23,843 | 828 | .035 | 22,197 | .037 |
Portugal | 12,585 | 584 | .046 | 8,362 | .070 |
Scotland | 53,091 | 4,349 | .082 | 15,529 | .280 |
Switzerland | 22,276 | 3,311 | .149 | 20,588 | .161 |
Wales | 17,767 | 1,342 | .076 | 9,876 | .135 |
Note.βThe sample universe includes men between the ages of 18 and 35 in 1900. Immigrants must have arrived in the United States between 1880 and 1900. We exclude all blacks and native-born men living in the South. For large sending countries and the native-born, we start with the 1900 IPUMS sample (panel A). For smaller sending countries, we begin with the complete population in 1900. The text describes our matching procedure. The number of matched cases refers to men who match to both the 1910 and 1920 censuses. We report the number of unique cases by first name, last name, age, and country of birth and the match rate for this group in cols. 4 and 5.