Fig. 3.
Spaghetti plots of change for FA in specific tracts with age.
Spaghetti plots of individual participant change in FA in specific tracts with age (years). Females are plotted in red and males in blue. For each measure, an assumption-free general additive mixed model as a function of age was fitted to accurately describe changes across the age range. Three-dimensional renderings of the probabilistic tracts illustrate fifteen atlas-based probabilistic tracts from the Mori atlas in anterior, left, and dorsal views, displayed on a semitransparent template brain from FreeSurfer (fsaverage). The color-coded titles for each scatterplot represent the color of each specific WM tract. Color codes refer to: Light green: Anterior thalamic radiation (ATR), Pink: Cingulum-cingulate gyrus (CCG), Blue: Body of corpus callosum (CC Body), Gray-blue: Genu of corpus callosum (CC Genu), Green: Splenuim of corpus callosum (Splenium CC), Black: Cingulum-hippocampus gyrus (CHG), Purple: Cortico-spinal tract (CST), Brown: Fornix, Light blue: Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF), Orange: Inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), Dark red: Forceps major, Yellow: Superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), Dark blue: Superior fronto-occipital fasciculus (SFOF), and Blue-purple: Uncinate fasciculus (UF). The 3D figures were made by the use of Slicer (