Figure 6.
Aspirin and NOSH-aspirin reduce LPS-induced fever, raise the threshold for hyperalgesia, and show anti-platelet activity. Panel A: LPS (50 μg/kg, ip) was administered to the rats one hour before administration aspirin and NOSH-aspirin as described in Section 2.7. Core body temperature was recorded at 30 min and thereafter hourly for 5 h. Results are mean ± SEM for 5 rats in each group, *P < 0.01 vs vehicle for both aspirin and NOSH-aspirin from 1–5 h.
Panel B: Mechanical pain threshold was increased in a time-dependent manner by aspirin and NOSH-aspirin as detailed in Section 2.9. Results are mean ± SEM for 5 rats in each group. *P < 0.05 vs vehicle for aspirin and NOSH-aspirin 2–5 h.
Panel C: Aspirin and NOSH-aspirin were equally effective in inhibiting human platelet aggregation, protocol as described in Section 2.10. Results are mean ± range for two individuals.