Fig. 5.
Reproductive toxicity of AFN in adulthood following transient sublethal exposure during embryogenesis. (A, B) The breeding success and (C, D) egg fertilization rate is given for fish from (A, C) cohort 1 and (B, D) cohort 2, respectfully. Using a nested design, the effect of AFN exposure was compared to the solvent control within incrosses of the treated fish (IX), and outcrosses of treated females (FOX) and treated males (MOX) to untreated fish. Values represent the odds ratio (A, B) or incidence rate ratio (C, D) from an average of three pairs from each of three tanks in three spawning experiments. Note, only one tank was used in the outcrosses of cohort 2. Robust standard errors were calculated with respect to the tank clusters and are presented as a ±95% CI. Statistically significant differences (see Supplementary information for R script) are noted as *p≤0.05, **p≤0.01, and ****p≤0.0001.