Figure 6.
Impact of muscle-specific deletion of PKCδ on body composition and energy expenditure at 15 months of age. Total fat and lean mass (A), percentage of visceral fat (VS) and subcutaneous fat (SQ) per body weight (B), and ratio of lean mass to fat mass (C) were assessed by DEXA in 15-month-old Lox and M-PKCδKO mice (n = 12 per group). Oxygen consumption (D) and CO2 production (E) measured in Lox and M-PKCδKO mice over 48 h in CLAMS metabolic cages (n = 12 per group). F: ROS and RNS were measured in TA muscles of Lox and M-PKCδKO mice at 10 weeks and 15 months of age. □, control mice; ■, M-PKCδKO mice. Data are mean ± SEM. ‡P < 0.05 by Student t test. *P < 0.05 by two-way ANOVA. M, month; hr, hour; W, week.