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Table 4.

Postoperative lung function changes depending on severity of COPD at admission in the Group A.

FEV1<50% mean [95% CI] (n=7) 50%≤FEV1<80% mean [95% CI] (n=39) FEV1≥80% mean [95% CI] (n=10) p-value
Δ[T2-T1] FEV1 (mL) 427 [27, 827] 328 [242, 414] 235 [74, 396] 0.631
FEV1 % pred. 40 [-4, 86] 18 [14, 22] 9 [3, 16] 0.107
FEF50 (%) 7 [-14, 27] 3 [0, 6] 3 [1,6] 0.857
FEF25 (%) 2 [-21, 24] 4 [1, 7] -4 [-15, 6] 0.220
Δ[T2- T3] FEV1 (mL) 442 [180, 703] 580 [491, 667] 749 [511, 987] 0.152
FEV1 % pred. 25 [14, 36] 26 [22, 30] 27 [19, 34] 0.980
FEF50 (%) 9 [3, 16] 11 [7, 15]* 22 [16, 28]* 0.004
FEF25 (%) 6 [2, 11] 9 [5, 14] 21 [12, 31] 0.039

COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Δ=difference between two measured values; T1=values before preoperative physiotherapy; T2=values after preoperative physiotherapy; T3=values after lung resection; FEV1=forced expiratory volume in the first second; FEF=forced expiratory flow.


p <0.001, for subgroups of mild vs. moderate COPD patients.

p=0.012, for subgroups of mild vs. moderate COPD patients.