(A) ArcLight fluorescence response to an 'on' pulse protocol with a holding potential of -120 mV with 200 ms pulses ranging from +120 mV to -140 mV by 20 mV intervals. (B) As in A, but in response to an 'off' pulse protocol pulsing from a holding potential of +40 mV to 200 ms pulses ranging from -160 mV to +40 mV by 20 mV intervals. (C) ArcLight on gating kinetics (blue) are faster than and do not correlate strongly with ArcLight fluorescence kinetics (green). Kinetics were obtained from gating currents and fluorescence changes recorded simultaneously from the same oocyte. (D) ArcLight off gating kinetics (blue) are much faster than and do not correlate with ArcLight fluorescence kinetics (green). (E) Upon depolarization, ArcLight fluorescence change shows a distinct lag (see Figure 4—figure supplement 1). This lag is voltage-dependent, becoming shorter with more extreme changes in membrane potential. ArcLight gating current kinetics from the on pulse (blue) correlate quite well with the ArcLight fluorescence lag (red). (F) ArcLight gating current kinetics from the off pulse (blue) correlate with ArcLight fluorescence lag (red) better than they do with ArcLight fluorescence kinetics (shown in D, green). N = 4 for on pulse protocol data, 5 for off pulse protocol data.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.10482.007