Table 2.
Non-food cue studies in BED
Neurocognitive Domain |
Author (year) |
OB Group M/F BMI |
LC Group M/F BMI |
BN Group M/F BMI |
Neuroimaging | Task | Results | Correlations | Comments |
Control |
Balodis et al., 2013a |
9F 2M BMI 37.1±4 |
5F 8M BMI 34.6±4 |
5F 6M BMI 22.2±2 |
— |
fMRI |
Stroop Task |
BED group showed decreases in superior temporal gyrus, superior occipital gyrus and middle occipital gyrus relative to both OB and LC groups |
In the BED group, eating restraint was inversely correlated with the bilateral IFG, the OFC, vmPFC and ACC |
Monetary Reward
Processing |
Balodis et al., 2013b |
14F 5M BMI 36.7±4 |
10F 9M BMI 34.6±4 |
10F 9M BMI 23.3±1 |
— | fMRI |
Monetary Incentive Delay Task (MIDT) |
During reward anticipation, the BED group demonstrates significantly decreased ventral striatal activity relative to the OB group. During reward receipt, the BED group shows diminished IFG, insula, striatum and vmPFC activity relative to both the OB and LC groups |
Structural | Schaefer et al., 2010 |
17F BMI 32.2±4 |
19F BMI 21.7±1 |
14F BMI 22.1±3 |
MRI | Gray-matter volume (GMV) |
Both BED and BN groups demonstrated increased medial OFC and ACC volumes relative to the LC group |
Treatment Outcome Studies | Balodis et al., 2014 | 14F 5M BMI 36.7±4 |
fMRI | Monetary Incentive Delay Task (MIDT) |
Post-treatment, individuals who continued to report binge-eating showed reduced IFG and ventral striatum during anticipatory processing. Persistent binge- eating group also demonstrated reduced mPFC activity during outcome processing |
Cambridg e et al., 2014 |
35F 28M 37.3±5 |
fMRI | Exposure to pictorial food stimuli |
Relative to placebo, the opioid antagonist reduced right pallidum/putament response to high- calorie pictures |
Antagonist did not affect subjective liking of the pictorial food stimuli |
BED=binge eating disorder; OB= non-BED obese; LC= lean control; BN=bulimia nervosa; M= Male; F= Female; fMRI=functional magnetic resonance imaging; BMI=Body Mass Index; IFG=inferior frontal gyrus; OFC= orbitofrontal cortex; vmPFC=ventromedial prefrontal cortex; ACC=anterior cingulate cortex; mPFC=medial prefrontal cortex.