Figure 7.
Predicted symmetric effect of baseline shift and asymmetric effect of drift rate change. (A) Baseline shift of the same magnitude should result in symmetric RT cost-benefit whereas (B) RT shortening toward biased reach goal due to drift rate increase (vb+) (from the neutral drift rate: vi) should be smaller than RT cost toward counter-biased reach goal due to drift rate decrease (vb−) of the same magnitude (Δ). Partial boundary lowering (C) and drift rate increase (D) explanations for asymmetric cost-benefit RTs in instructed reaches. 0, a, v, Z represent counter-biased boundary, biased boundary, drift rate, and baseline, respectively. The subscript i indicates initial parameters in absence of any bias (non-biased trials) whereas subscript b represents parameters in case of bias with higher number depicting higher degree of bias and + vs. − depicting parameters toward biased vs. counter-biased boundaries, respectively.