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. 2015 Nov 2;33(35):4167–4175. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2015.62.7273

Table 1.

Recipient and Donor Characteristics (N = 114)

Characteristic Result
No. (%) Median (range)
Recipient age, years 65 (60-74)
Recipient sex
    Female 43 (38)
    Male 71 (62)
Cytogenetic risk at diagnosis
    Favorable 1 (1)
    Intermediate 80 (70)
    Adverse 32 (28)
        Complex (including 17p del)* 26
        del 7 only 2
        11q23 (not t(9;11)) 2
        Other 2
    Unknown 1 (1)
WBC at diagnosis, × 103/mL 3.9 (0.4-333)
Antecedent hematologic disorder 20 (18)
One induction course 70 (61)
No. of consolidation courses
    None 29 (25)
    One 60 (53)
    Two 24 (21)
    Unknown 1 (1)
Type of consolidation
    High-dose cytarabine based 48 (56)
    Standard-dose cytarabine based or other 37 (44)
Time from diagnosis to transplantation, days 138 (61-265)
Time from CR1 documentation to transplantation, days 85 (9-184)
Donor type
    MRD 55 (48)
    MUD 59 (52)
Donor age, years
    MRD 63 (43-81)
    MUD 31 (19-55)
Recipient/donor sex match
    Male/female 30 (26)
    Male/male 41 (36)
    Female/female 18 (16)
    Female/male 25 (22)
Recipient/donor CMV
    Positive/positive 33 (29)
    Positive/negative 29 (25)
    Negative/positive 17 (15)
    Negative/negative 30 (26)
    Unknown 5 (4)
ABO compatibility
    Match 66 (58)
    Minor mismatch 22 (19)
    Major mismatch 24 (21)
    Unknown 2 (2)
Allograft composition
    CD34+ dose/kg (× 106) 6.2 (0.8-30.5)
    CD3+ dose/kg (× 108) 1.9 (0-5.1)

Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; CR1, first complete response; MRD, matched related donor; MUD, matched unrelated donor.


Complex, three or more cytogenetic abnormalities.

17p del, deletion of the short arm of chromosome 17.