Fig 2. Graphic illustration of the various regions deleted in the complementing plasmids.
The basic region of Hsa was located on amino acid position 228–449. pAS8741 carries an intact hsa gene; pAS8748 encodes a Hsa protein lacking the SR1 and NR2 regions (HsaΔ105–446); pAS8744 encodes a Hsa protein lacking the SR1 region (HsaΔ105–245); pAS8746 encodes a Hsa protein lacking the NR2 region (HsaΔ246–446); pAS8749 encodes a Hsa protein lacking the N-terminal part of the SR2 region (HsaΔ448–1459); pAS8375 encodes a Hsa protein lacking the C-terminal part of the SR2 region (HsaΔ1092–2143); pAS8165 encodes a Hsa protein lacking the entire SR2 region (HsaΔ448–2143); and pAS8164 encodes a Hsa protein lacking both SR1 and SR2 regions (HsaΔ105–245, Δ448–2143). The dotted lines indicate the regions deleted. BR: basic region; NR: non-repeat region; SR: serine-rich repeat region; CWAD: cell wall anchoring domain.