Table 5. Results of conventional and phylogenetically-corrected ANCOVA for living archosaur species.
Branch length assignment | Model | F | d.f. | p | AIC |
None | OLS | 108.797 | 1, 124 | << 0.01 | 25.580 |
Branch length = 1 | PGLS | 11.568 | 1, 124 | 0.001 | 53.669 |
Branch length = 1 | RegOU | 70.111 | 1, 124 | << 0.01 | 25.007 |
Divergence time | PGLS | 2.542 | 1, 124 | 0.113 | 72.841 |
Divergence time | RegOU | 81.941 | 1, 124 | << 0.01 | 17.578 |
Abbreviations: AIC, akaike information criterion; d.f., degree of freedom; F, test statistic; OLS, ordinary least-squares; PGLS, phylogenetic generalized least-squares assumed Brownian motion process; RegOU, phylogenetic regression with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The lowest AIC value is shown with bold.