Vertical Facial Proportions |
AFH: Anterior Facial Height, measured from Nasion-Menton, denotes length of anterior face |
PFH: Posterior Facial Height, measured from Sella-Gonion, denotes length of posterior face |
PFH/AFH: ratio of Posterior Facial Height to Anterior Facial Height; denotes differential length of anterior and posterior face |
UAFH: Upper Anterior Facial Height, measured from Nasion-ANS |
LAFH: Lower Anterior Facial Height, measured from ANS-Menton |
LAFH/TAFH: ratio of Lower Anterior Facial Height to Total Facial Height; denotes proportion of lower anterior face. |
Maxilla |
PNS-ANS: maxillary length, distance measured from the anterior nasal spine to posterior nasal spine. |
SNA: angle measured between Sella-Nasion and A point, denotes sagittal relationship of the maxilla to cranial base |
ANB: angle measured between maxilla and mandible with respect to N, denotes the sagittal relationship between maxilla and the mandible |
Mandible |
Co-Gn: measured from condylion to gnathion in mm, denotes total mandibular length |
Co-Go: condylion to gonial angle measured in mm, denotes the height of ramus of mandible |
Sn-GoGn: measured as angle formed by S-N and lower border of the mandible(GoGn), denotes vertical relationship of the mandible to the cranial base. |
SNB: angle measured between S-N and B point, denotes sagittal relationship of the mandible to cranial base |
Cranial Base |
S-N: measured from Nasion to Sella in mm, denotes length of anterior cranial base |
S-Ba: measured from Sella-to Basion in mm, denotes length of posterior cranial base |
Ba-S-N: cranial base angle formed by Nasion-Sella-Basion, denotes cranial base flexure |