Table 2.
Probit of first pregnancy with mediators among females aged 12 to 24 in 2011
(1) Unadjusted |
(2) with covariates |
(3) with covariates and schooling attainment |
(4) with covariates and school enrollment |
(5) with covariates and partial treatment |
Treatment status | −0.055 (2.52)** |
−0.049 (2.42)** |
−0.049 (2.39)** |
−0.040 (2.15)** |
−0.042 (2.16)** |
Age in years | 0.035 (12.72)*** |
0.037 (11.79)*** |
0.016 (5.85)*** |
0.033 (12.18)*** |
Child of household head | −0.089 (4.97)*** |
−0.088 (4.91)*** |
−0.048 (2.98)*** |
−0.050 (2.68)*** |
Grandchild of household head |
−0.071 (3.71)*** |
−0.070 (3.63)*** |
−0.018 (0.99) |
−0.052 (2.59)*** |
Head of household’s age in years |
0.001 (1.54) |
0.001 (1.63) |
0.001 (2.34)** |
0.001 (1.25) |
Household head’s highest grade attained |
−0.003 (1.37) |
−0.002 (1.07) |
0.002 (0.87) |
−0.002 (0.98) |
Lives in Nairobi | −0.047 (2.48)** |
−0.044 (2.23)** |
−0.041 (2.53)** |
−0.033 (1.62) |
Grade attainment | −0.003 (1.10) |
Currently enrolled in school |
−0.315 (9.32)*** |
Moved into household over panel period |
0.121 (5.49)*** |
Pseudo R2 | 0.01 | 0.20 | 0.21 | 0.33 | 0.23 |
N | 1,547 | 1,547 | 1,547 | 1,547 | 1,547 |
Probit models with marginal effects. Robust t-statistics in parentheses clustered at the household level.
All control variables from 2011 round with the exception of household head characteristics. Sample is restricted to adolescent girls who had never had a birth at baseline.