Figure 1. Generation of choroid plexus-like tissues with pleated structure from hESCs.
(a) Schematic of examined conditions to induce choroid plexus tissues. (b) Immunostaining of neocortical structure induced from hESCs on day 35. (c) Comparison of aggregate formation from Foxg1::Venus knock-in hESCs on day 35. CHIR (GSK3 inhibitor) plus BMP4 treatment (condition 2) induced thin epithelia with many folds with significant attenuation of Foxg1::Venus expression. (d,e) qPCR for genes expressed in dorsomedial telencephalon (***P<0.001). (d) foxg1 significantly attenuated in condition 2 (n=3, unpaired t-test). (e) ttr significantly increased in condition 2 (n=3, unpaired t-test with Welch's correction). (f) Bright-field view of one aggregate cultured in condition 2 on day 42. (g–k) The induction of choroid plexus tissues with pleated structure from hESCs. The pleated epithelia are Lmx1a+ (g,h), Otx2+ (i) and TTR+ (h). TTR mainly stained apically (h), and Aquaporin-1 stained mainly in apical parts, with less staining in basal parts (j). ZO-1 stained the surface of epithelia (k). Scale bars, 50 μm (b; 500 μm (c, f); 200 μm (g); 20 μm (h–k). Bars in graph, s.e.m. Nuclear counter staining (blue), 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI).