Figure 1.
A) Children's Depression Rating Scale (CDRS) scores—analysis with all available data included. Note: χ2 test statistic (df = 14) for the overall statistical effect of medication = 48.2, p < .0001. LI = lithium carbonate; RISP = risperidone; VAL = divalproex sodium. *VAL vs. RSP, p < .0001 and for LI vs. RSP, p = .001; **VAL vs. RSP and for LI vs. RSP, p = .001. B) CDRS scores—analysis with last observation carried forward (LOCF). Note: χ2 test statistic (df = 14) for the overall statistical effect of medication = 47.3, p value < .0001. *p value for VAL vs. RSP <.0001 and for Li vs. RSP = .001; **p value for VAL vs. RSP = .002 and for Li vs. RSP = .001; ***p value for Li vs. RSP = .024; #p value for Li vs. RSP = .029.