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. 2015 Nov;110(7):865–876. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760150075

TABLE I. Summary of parameter input values used in the Vortex baseline model.

Parameter Baseline value Alternate values
Populations (n) 1 -
Initial population size 200 -
Carrying capacity 420 -
Inbreeding depression 6 LE -
Effect of inbreeding due to recessive lethal alleles (%) 50 -
Breeding system Long-term polygyny -
Age of first reproduction (♀/♂) 5/6 4/5
Maximum age of reproduction 16 13/20
Annual adult females reproducing [% (SD)] 50 (22) -
Average litter size 1 -
Density dependent reproduction? No -
Maximum litter size 1 -
Overall offspring sex ratio 50:50 -
Adult males in breeding pool 90 -
Mortality {age (♀/♂) [SD (%)]}    
0-1 25 (5)/25 (5) -
1-2 15 (5)/15 (5) -
2-3 10 (2.5)/10 (2.5) -
3-4 5 (2)/5 (2) -
4-5 2 (1)/10 (2.5) -
5-6 1 (0.5)/10 (1) -
6-10 1 (0.5)/1 (0.5) -
11-16 +5% each year/+20% each year -

LE: lethal equivalent; SD: standard deviation.