TABLE VI. Odds ratios (OR) and parameter estimates for the best logistic generalised estimating equations model for risk factors associated withTrypanosoma cruzi seropositive reactions in domestic dogs from Trinidad de Las Minas, western Republic of Panama.
Parameter | OR | Estimate | Naïve SE | Naïve Z | Sandwich SE | Sandwich Z |
Intercept | - | -9.890 | 2.680 | -3.690 | 3.281 | -3.014 |
Age | 1.586 | 0.461 | 0.170 | 2.715 | 0.188 | 2.454 |
Palms in focal household and/or two closest neighbouring houses | 11.594 | 2.450 | 1.085 | 2.259 | 0.957 | 2.561 |
Domestic animal species richness | 4.978 | 1.605 | 0.620 | 2.587 | 0.792 | 2.027 |
SE: standard error.