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. 2015 Oct 22;126(22):2484–2490. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-04-641100

Table 2.

Characteristics of patient cohort selected for tumor/normal sequencing

Subject Relationship Age, y RMG* Exome Gene Protein WHO classification Karyotype
1001-001 Proband 24 X X GATA2 Intronic RCMD Normal
1001-005 Sister 21 X X GATA2 Intronic AML with MDS-related features Normal
1002-001 Proband 48 X X GATA2 p.R398W RCMD add(3)(q21),+8, del(12)(p11.2p13)
1003-003 Father 68 X X GATA2 p.T354M AML with MDS-related features Normal
1006-001 Proband 71 X Unknown NA RCMD Normal
1006-005 Maternal first cousin 61 X Unknown NA RAEB-I Normal
1010-009 Niece 44 X Unknown NA MDS, unclassified t(12;17;13) (q24.1;q23;q14.1)
1012-001 Proband 30 X Unknown NA AML NOS (AML-M6a) Normal
1014-001 Proband 65 X Unknown NA AML NOS (AML-M6) Normal
1015-001 Proband 37 X X RUNX1 p.R388X MDS with isolated del(5q) del(5q)
1015-002 Mother 49 X X RUNX1 p.R388X AML with MDS-related features Normal
1015-004 Daughter 18 X RUNX1 p.R388X Unaffected carrier Not done
1016-001 Proband 54 X Unknown NA AML NOS (AML-M6) Unknown
1019-001 Proband 14 X RUNX1 p.W279X Hypoplastic without overt dysplasia Normal
1019-003 Father 54 X RUNX1 p.W279X Unaffected carrier Not done
1020-004 Aunt 86 X Unknown NA RAEB-II +8
1021-001 Proband 7 X X RUNX1 p.R204X RAEB-I del(7q)
1021-003 Father 40 X RUNX1 p.R204X Unaffected carrier Not done
1021-004 Uncle 35 X RUNX1 p.R204X Unaffected carrier Not done
1021-005 Paternal grandmother 61 X X RUNX1 p.R204X RAEB-I Normal
1022-001 Proband 41 X RUNX1 p.L472fsX123 Unaffected carrier Not done
1022-005 Daughter 8 X RUNX1 p.L472fsX123 Unaffected carrier Not done
1022-007 Brother 46 X RUNX1 p.L472fsX123 Unaffected carrier Not done
1024-001 Proband 50 X RUNX1 p.Y260X Dysmegakaryopoiesis del(11q23), -Y
1024-005 Daughter 19 X RUNX1 p.Y260X Unaffected carrier Unknown
1024-007 Daughter 12 X RUNX1 p.Y260X AML t(2;11)(q31;p15)

AML-M6, acute erythroid leukemia; AML-M6a, erthroleukemia, consisting of myeloblasts and erythroid precursors; NA, not applicable; RAEB-I, refractory anemia with excess blasts (5%-10% marrow blasts); RAEB-II, refractory anemia with excess blasts (11%-20% marrow blasts); RCMD, refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia; WHO, World Health Organization.


Targeted sequencing of 264 RMGs.