Regulation of miR-29a targets in human skeletal muscle after GHRT. RNA was isolated from biopsies of the tibialis anterior muscle obtained from the GHD patients described in Fig. 4. a qRT-PCR analysis in skeletal muscle biopsies before (white) or after (gray) 4 months of GHRT, n = 9, or separately analyzed for HOMA-IR decreased, n = 5, and HOMA-IR increased groups, n = 4. Results were normalized to 18S RNA and shown as arbitrary units (AU). Student’s t test was used to compare the two groups. *p < 0.05. b Hypothetical model demonstrating the role of GHRT for ECM remodeling and its association with insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Decreased miR-29a levels and upregulation of its targets during GHRT could contribute to this regulation