Figure 4. Skeletal muscle injury induced iMuSCs fulfil several in vivo criteria of pluripotency.
(a) Teratoma formation assay of iMuSCs. Hematoxylin and eosin staining showed differentiated structures of all three germ layers: skeletal muscle (mesoderm, arrows), cartilage (mesoderm, asterisks), blood vessel (mesoderm, asterisk), fat (mesoderm, asterisk), gut epithelium (endoderm, asterisk), neural rosettes (ectoderm, arrow), and neuroepithelium (ectoderm, asterisks) within the same sample. (b) LacZ staining indicated LacZ pre-labelled iMuSC-differentiated structures of adipose, muscle, and neural rosettes contain β-gal+ signals (dark blue dots). Scale bar = 100 μm. (c) Contribution of iMuSCs to mouse embryonic development. Embryos at E14 were analyzed by GFP and LacZ staining, (d) and by qPCR analysis of GFP and LacZ marker gene expression in normally and abnormally developed embryos. (e) The E14 embryos were sectioned and stained with anti-GFP antibody (dark purple). Cells were counterstained with eosin (pink): skin and under-skin, heart, lung, cartilage, gastrointestinal tract, and neural tube. Scale bar = 200 μm. (f) qPCR analysis of GFP and LacZ marker gene expression in the born P21 white pups. Data were pulled together from 6 pups.