A) Schedule of maintenance treatment plan (Lamm's protocol): six-weekly intravesical instillations of BCG (standard dose) and low dose of BCG (1/3 or 1/10 of the standard dose) for the 3 maintenance instillations until 52 weeks; B) simulation effects of a treatment regimen (BCG only) with maintenance of BCG instillations (1/3 of standard dose) for 50 people. Shown is the tumor cells count as a function of time (500 days during and after therapy); C) simulated effect of BCG + IL-2 (induction) and BCG + IL-2 (maintenance) on 50 virtual patients. Time evolution of tumor cells up to 500 days. Maintenance treatment was carried out with 1/10th of the standard BCG dose.
Red solid line — NR (non-responders to the treatment), blue solid line — CR (complete response), black solid line — PR (partial response), and green slashed line — SD (stable disease).